Itinerary and Contact Info

Well, we’re up to our necks in plans and packing right now! Because much is to happen quickly in the next week, I thought it wise to get a bit of information out before we take the moving plunge…


Monday September 1st – We pack up our mini-van and David and Olivia take the ferry from Edinburgh over to the continent. They arrive in Montéléger, France Tuesday night.

Tuesday – Angela, Rachel and Noah fly from Glasgow to Lyon and also arrive in Montéléger, France Tuesday night.

Wednesday – Unpack and prepare for getting kids in school

Thursday – Kids in school!

Monday – September 8th – David’s staff training time for the YWAM School of Reconciliation starts

All above hours not specifically listed – Pack, clean, say goodbye, unpack, get our bearings, untold administrative processes, speak French, sell a house, find a house, etc. The activities of selling our house and moving our furniture will continue here after we leave. Nice to leave it behind and just get there…but of course I’d like to be a bit more “in control” than God is allowing me to be.

Contact Info:

Our emails will stay the same but we don’t know when we’ll be able to access them next.

Our mobile phone number once we get to France will be +33 6 73 75 68 05

Our mailing address (regular mail will be forwarded from Scotland – packages will not) and where we’re staying for awhile will be:

Centre d’accueil L’Oasis
Quartier Rodet
26760 Montéléger

Tél 04 75 59 56 62 Fax 04 75 59 53 67

Life is good and a bit hectic right now!

Posted in newsletter.